Students conversing with their teacher while working on a project

Outdoor School Parent Night September 29th @ 6:30-7:00 pm

Outdoor School Parent Night September 29th @ 6:30-7:00 pm
9/29/2022, 6:30 PM 7:00 PM
Join us on Zoom. We’ll have a short presentation and answer questions you may have. See below

Outdoor School Parent Night

September 29th @6:30-7:00 pm 

Join us on Zoom. We’ll have a short presentation and answer questions you may have. 

Here is the invitation information and link

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.

When: Sep 29, 2022 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Outdoor School Information

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

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Webinar ID: 829 2352 0130

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