Students conversing with their teacher while working on a project

Summer Meals Program

Free summer lunches will be available to youth (ages 1 - 18) through the federally funded Summer Food Program. There are no fees and no registration is needed. 
Joseph Gale Elementary (3130 18th Ave) - June 18th - August 17th - Monday-Friday
Breakfast: 8-9am
Lunch: 12:00-12:30pm
Echo Shaw Elementary (914 S. Linden St) - June 25 - July 19th - Monday - Thursday
Breakfast: 8-8:30am
Lunch: 11am-12:30pm
NAMS (1777 Mountain View Lane) - June 25 - July 19th - Monday - Thursday
Breakfast: 7:50-8:10am
Lunch: 11:10am-11:30am
FGHS (1401 Nichols Lane) - June 18th - July 19th - Monday - Thursday
Breakfast: 7:30-8:00am
Lunch: 11am-11:30am
Bard Park (2921 22nd Avenue) - June 18th - August 17th - Monday - Friday
Lunch: 12-12:30pm
Harleman Park (795 S Heather Street) - June 18th - August 17th - Monday - Friday
Lunch: 12-12:30pm
Lincoln Park (2725 Main Street) - June 18th - August 17th - Monday - Friday
Lunch: 12-12:30pm
Rose Grove Park (3839 Pacific Avenue) - June 18th - August 17th - Monday - Friday
Lunch: 12-12:30pm
GroveLink directly serves four of the summer meals locations. The free transportation goes past the high school, Joseph Gale, Lincoln Park, and Bard Park.