Students conversing with their teacher while working on a project
Community Learning Center (CLC) » Student Expectations

Student Expectations

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We are excited to have your student participate in our CLC Extended Day program!


Our goal is to create safe spaces for students to explore their strengths, talents, interests and hobbies during clubs. To ensure consistency from the traditional school day to CLC, all expectations are the same. 



Phones are to be “Off & Away”  

If a student needs to communicate with their adults at home, they may call from the main office.

You can call 503-359-2506 with any message you wish to give your child.



"I Need Help” forms are available in the main office. An adult will follow up with your child to address the concern.



Tom McCall staff work through restorative practices to help students problem solve during clubs. These are the same steps taken during the traditional school day to ensure students are successful at Tom McCall.



For unexpected behaviors resulting in an office referral, please review our steps below:


1st Referral 


Conference with student

Phone call home

2nd Referral 

Conference with student

Phone call home

Miss 1 day of clubs

3rd Referral 

Conference with student

Phone call home

Miss 1 day of clubs

Parent meeting 

Success Plan

4th Referral 

Conference with student

Phone call home

Removal from clubs

Immediate removal from clubs

  • Fighting / assault
  • Illegal behavior
  • Harassment (sexual/racial)

At any time the process may move to removal from clubs based on the severity of the behavior.